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In the Beginning

Whats it all about? Well, this blog started simply as a place not that different to a Facebook page, although it was my page (and nothing to do with Facebook), a page for me to jot everything that came in to my head regarding the prince project. Then guess what, it grew into something else, something we all now know as Prince Street.

A concept hatched as a result of my artist residency in Diffusion 2015, Prince Street became an extension to Prince (publication). What began as a short study of my Father, just kept on going and going. Prince's story it would seem was far too big, and PrinceStreet became the best way to to tell it, documenting the life of Prince in series of writings and photographs that I could share as they evolved. Providing a place where viewers could continue to follow the chronicles and eccentricities of the man set apart, allowing them to engage in discussion and share their own stories and become part of the journey.

And so it began... and it just kept going.

There were originally over 45 blog posts on the Original Prince Street Blog, which received over ten thousand views during the course of two years. However over half of these are now no longer available as they are currently being used to inform the text of Scaffold to the Moon (publication), the next phase in the Prince chronicles.


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